Advanced Laparoscopic GI Surgery Course – 5th-8th August 2019

Being held at the Institute of Technology, Humanities, the Arts, Medicine and Science in Malta. The  course  aim  is  to  address  the  principle  of  optimising  the  setup  and  progress  of  advanced procedures in  this  field.  The  course  is  composed  of  both  theoretical  and  practical  components, which will  allow  the participants to familiarise themselves with the…

Call for ALSGBI Council Nominations

We are now calling for Council nominations for the Midlands, Trent and North West & Mersey regions.   The deadline for nominations is Friday 6 September and nominees must be Consultant members who are up to date with their membership subscriptions. The positions will commence after the AGM in November and will be for 4 years.…